Drug trafficking alleged after high-speed chase

A law enforcement spokesperson said an investigation is underway after the arrest of an Alabama man. Multiple law enforcement agencies participated in the case of the alleged drug trafficker, a high-speed chase and a car accident.

The chase

News released by a drug enforcement unit indicated that a police officer noticed a driver committing a traffic violation on a recent Sunday. In an attempt to pull the car over, the officer activated the emergency lights. However, the driver allegedly fled, causing a high-speed chase.

The driver lost control of his vehicle and smashed into a concrete culvert. This caused the car to flip onto its roof. Attending officers saw that a fire had ignited in the car. More patrol officers arrived at the scene and used their fire extinguishers to keep the flames under control while waiting for the arrival of fire engines. The 47-year-old driver survived the crash and managed to get out of the burning vehicle.

The search and seizure

During a search of the vehicle, officers claim to have found a small amount of marijuana, about 69 grams of methamphetamine, drug paraphernalia and a significant amount of cash. They arrested the driver at the scene.

The charges

He now faces several drug charges, including meth trafficking, unlawful marijuana possession and drug paraphernalia and criminal mischief for his attempt to elude law enforcement. The accused Alabama man posted a $77,000 bond, after which he was released. He is now awaiting his next court appearance. The law enforcement spokesperson said further charges might follow once the investigation is completed.

Attorney Brad Hawley

Attorney Brad HawleyAttorney Brad Hawley possesses years of practical experience focused on bankruptcy, civil and criminal defense. He has prosecuted and defended clients in state court, and is a former enlisted member of the United States Army. Brad is driven by his desire to help people that have been hurt by the legal system, and is dedicated to fixing injustices he sees around him. [ Attorney Bio ]

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